Anime Blues Con, Part 2

(I know my header is super similar to the last post’s header but I don’t care I like both pics and it’s what I want to use!)

First up — art update because I forgot it last time and I’m trying to get the art page updated…

“Rise of Clovis” dress:

And the Hazmat suit I said I wasn’t going to do but then I made myself do it because the collection didn’t feel complete without it… and I’m glad I did because I really like how it turned out.

I’m working on the wedding dress now. It’s a pain in the butt. But it’s my last Padme and I’m kinda sad about it.

And now onto the second half of ABC photos! There’s not a ton to post here but there’s a lot more in the smugmug gallery – the ones I added were Chase’s nice photos he took Fri-Sun. Mostly some he took Saturday in the dealer’s room.

TFA Leia

Also look at that cute bathing suit behind me.

“Hi Ben, your uncle and I need to talk about your problems at school…”

I loved these couches in the hotel.

I really need to take this dress out somewhere proper… a giant guitar with Elvis on it is not a great backdrop…
(the same day I was in this costume, my cousins were at Ashford Castle in Ireland and I’m like… I need to be where you guys are right now.)

Here’s where I was talking about stabilizing the bustles in the front. Did I mention that last post? I can’t remember. One side seam wants to slide to the back and one wants to slide to the front causing them to not sit correctly. So I thought about adding some snaps to the side seam to keep them sitting where they are supposed to do and staying even. That would be a quick and easy fix I think.

I did start on a prop for Dragon Con tuesday but that’s about all the work I’ve done the past couple of days and I’m keeping it secret for now so no pics. Mostly because I’m worried it might turn out looking like absolute crap and if that happens nobody is seeing it EVER… LMAO. So once I feel like it’s maybe going to turn out ok I’ll show ya’ll?

Tuesday night we picked up Kevin, he’s staying with us for a week while his parents are out of town.

I think this was tuesday when I got home from work… Luna was just sitting on the couch staring at me. She’s never on the couch when I get home so it was weird LOL

Yesterday we went swimming in the morning…. came home and took a nap… worked a little on that prop, cleaned the house up… then cookout.

These 2 cute beggars were underfoot the whole night.

Mom and Dad brought us back some stuff from their trip week before last… the deviled egg is white chocolate LOL. Some “After Moonshine Mints” and a grow your own pirate…

Which I wasted no time in getting into a bowl of water when we got home last night.

Today we are having a appraisal done on the house…. fingers crossed please… this is the biggest hurdle of this whole thing…